we talking memory chips here?  Is that how fast the chips run, or how fast they 
are capable of running?

i thought memory chips did not run, but only responded.

At 03:46 PM 3/5/2008, you wrote:
>The  board is capable of running both 33 and 400 with the 400 being the upper 
>The AMD chips in the XP series (I think that is what they were called) came in 
>both 166 and 200 speeds.
>I had a board that topped out at 333 (166x2) so I could not run the faster 200 
>His board will run the faster buss speeds chips so therefore he can put in a 
>faster chip and run the 400 memory.
>At 11:35 AM 3/5/2008, you wrote:
>>>(I noted Crucial sold both 333 and 400 memory for that
>>>Board.  Depending on the processor this will either be no effect or
>>>slow it down.)
>>Ah! 333 makes more sense for answering the third question.
>>>(3)  The motherboard on bootup displays first a BIOS-like menu, followed
>>>by a graphic display with a female voice saying that something like all
>>>systems are checked and found to be working.  The graphic splash display
>>>includes a mention that the motherboard works at 400 MHz.  This
>>>contradicts the information from BelArc Advisor that the bus is 166
>>>MHz.  Is there something set wrong in the BIOS?
>>BelArc reports the bus is 166. With DDR (Double Data Rate) memory that
>>makes 166 x 2 = 332 a.k.a 333. But I still don't know where the 400 comes
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