>Yes, but Verizon (and others) needs to develop a way to power phones 
>indefinitely when the electric grid goes down, i.e., with one big 
>generator at the central office or something else that works as well.  
>What's going to happen the first time there is a fire in a location where 
>no phones are working because the electric grid has been down for 72 hours 
>and all of the "backup" batteries died after four or so hours?

Keeps getting ignored.

I guess the neocons consider batteries at the central office to be just 
another manifestation of socialism. All you rugged individualists are 
supposed to have your own emergency power plants (and your own e coli 
tester, radiation meters, and plenty of duct tape).

My understanding is that fiber cable already has a metal wire in it so 
Miss Utility can find a buried fiber cable. So I would think that with 
just a little bit of additional motivation the telcos could do the good 
socalist thing.

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