And what about Windows users who are perpetually in the dark?

>The price for those panels is lower >than some of the new cable/DSL/ADSL modems. Searched online and found >one that retails at $44.99, and another for $37.95; will be much less if >bundled with FIOS service boxes.

Betty: Is this packaged in a way that will allow a DIY installation?

First time I saw photovoltaic trickle chargers for 12V batteries was at a Volkswagen dealer. They had the chargers plugged into many of the cars on their lot, with the PV panel on the dashboard. I'd guess they might have some kind of deal from the German government where homeowners and businesses are given incentives to install PV panels on their buildings to generate electricity. These panels are integrated roofing, like tiles [search SunSlate], not big panels bolted to the roof, as were used 20 years ago. Initially the equivalent cost of energy from PV was around 40 cents per kw hour while power companies charged 10 cents/kwh. Government paid the difference to the customers. Cost has gone down to 30 cents, 20 cents, and is expected to reach parity within 5 years. After that the electricity from PV panels will be free.

I didn't look at the brand that they were using, but I could ask the VW dealer, or you could ask a dealer that uses them. I got the prices by using a search engine. These chargers plug into the cigarette lighter in a car. The laptop chargers were well over $200 when I looked for one several years ago and are still expensive, but chargers for cell phones and iPods can be found for under $40.

And, yes, the battery chargers are easy to set up. Some models are even sold in the online NPR shop and many other places on the Internets.

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