>It becomes problematic when it's installed on networked computers where your
>users don't run as an admin and it then tries to run and bomb out because it
>needs admin permissions.  That's always fun to get repeatedly when you're
>trying to get work done.

Agreed. The latest QuickTime for Mac update fails if it is not run from 
the 501 account. A 502 or higher admin account won't do. This is a pain. 
Adobe's CS2 updater had this problem too. CS3 fixed this.

>I have a patch management system that pushes out the QT patches from a
>central location.  I don't need ham-handed developers or marketing trolls
>thinking they know what's best for everyone and doing the exact opposite of
>what I tell it to do.

If you are doing a good job at patch management for your computer users 
then automated notification and delivery is irrelevant. Yet, somehow I 
feel suspicious of any claim that you have provided your computer users 
with the latest version of Safari. I just can't picture you being so 

>Of course, then it sticks its icon on the desktop because, gosh, it's just
>that important.  To Adobe's discredit, they do the same thing with Acrobat
>Reader.  I'm ready to chuck that and run FoxIt Reader only.  QuickTime is
>about to get the axe as well.  The only thing that has saved it so far is
>that it can open Photoshop files, which we get occasionally from people who
>haven't thought things through.  Doesn't everyone have an $800 program?

I can't see how loading your computer users up with a bunch of brand-x 
software is going to make them better off. The sad truth with PDF files 
on PCs is that Acrobat Reader works best. The only better alternative is 
to upgrade them to Macs so they could use Apple's Preview and QuickLook 
(if they get Leopard). 

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