While walking my dogs the other evening I noticed that many of the utility 
poles in my subdivision have looped or coiled black cables taped onto them.  
Some of the coils have an end that goes up to the level where the phone lines 
are installed.  I took a look at one loop of cable and it had a red plastic 
"Verizon" marker.  The cable sheath has "Corning Optical" and some other 
markings.  Some of the cables run into rectangular boxes that are about 2ft 

The next day I looked around some more and it appears that the newer cable has 
been installed along quite a lot of the runs in the few blocks around my house. 
 My guess is that FIOS is being installed in my subdivision, but I am curious 
about two things:  

1) With all the recent list discussion of the removal of the POTS copper lines 
during a FIOS installation, what is the make-up of the lines that run along the 
poles after the work that I am seeing performed?

2) Does the old copper remain on the poles to provide service to homes along 
the way that aren't switched to FIOS?



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