> Personally I'ld suggest anyone 
>worried about losing connectivity after the UPS for FIOS runs out, get 
>or keep a 2nd line with as minimum a service as possible (look up 
>lifesaver line on Verizon's website for an idea of what I mean).

Googling in "site:verizon.com lifesaver line" or "site:verizon.net 
lifesaver line" turns up nothing. 

In the past I have tried to get info on this kind of service and found 
nothing. I wanted to get it for my 90 year old Mom who never uses the 
phone and should not be wasting her social secutity check on enriching 
the phone company. I think "lifesaver" is an urban myth disseminated by 
Verizon to make us think they are less evil. 

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