At 05:22 PM 05/06/2008 -0400, Richard P. wrote
Have them upgrade to AVG Free 8.0. AVG puts this warning up every time they do a major upgrade. The links they provide tend to steer you toward the pay product but you can find the free version if you dig around a bit. I upgraded this afternoon. The only problem I had was installing their optional AVG Security Toolbar which includes its mandatory Yahoo toolbar. While I don't mind using Yahoo as a search engine, with this new version, I have yet to find a way to delete its search history. I ended up modifying the installation to lose the toolbars and just keep AVG. For them, just un-check it during the setup. Here's a direct link:

Richard P.

Like we NEED toolbars??? Thanks for the warning. I've still not gotten a pop-up warning from AVG. I assume I will at some point. Either that or I'll find out when it won't download virus updates.


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