New info about AVG 8.0: It does come with a neat feature which rates webpages generated by search engines as to their safety rating (doesn't work with their installed Yahoo toolbar though). Not sure how they come up with this or how accurate it is, but it does present a certain comfort level when guessing at whether one should click or not.

Richard P.

Have them upgrade to AVG Free 8.0. AVG puts this warning up every time they do a major upgrade. The links they provide tend to steer you toward the pay product but you can find the free version if you dig around a bit. I upgraded this afternoon. The only problem I had was installing their optional AVG Security Toolbar which includes its mandatory Yahoo toolbar. While I don't mind using Yahoo as a search engine, with this new version, I have yet to find a way to delete its search history. I ended up modifying the installation to lose the toolbars and just keep AVG. For them, just un-check it during the setup. Here's a direct link:

My In-laws are getting a popup message from AVG that 7.5 is going
obsolete and they should update to 8.0 (which of course is for pay).

Any reason they can't keep using the free version? Should they download the latest version of whatever's free? -PJM

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