I'd appreciate some expert opinions on resolving a family challenge.

Dear old Dad has moved to an assisted care facility and has eventually taken 
his desktop with him. The facility has a WiFi net that the residents are free 
to use. Dad's Dell runs Windows XP Pro, but is of 2002 vintage and lacks the 
board to access WiFi. He's never been on line very much and will have to 
relearn the ways of the Web.

He is running a Pentium processor but has only 128mB of RAM in the thing. He's 
also not the most tech-savvy guy on the block, and might not be the most 
tech-savvy in the facility.

So, the questions - should we invest the time and effort to upgrade the current 
machine to access WiFi or punt to a new machine? If we punt, should it be to a 
Mac or another PC?

Thanks in advance.


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