Partly because of advice I had read on this listserv, I let my Norton Anti-virus suite of programs lapse and installed the free AVG anti-virus program a month or so ago. I am quite dissatisfied with it because of the following reasons:

1. The virus update comes (about) daily, which when installed requires a reboot of the computer. This takes about 6 minutes, while I wait impatiently. It reminds me of Windows ME which required frequent reboots, but at least they were not so long.

2. Once the computer reboots, AVG starts to scan for viruses. This takes about 4 hours and slows down the computer almost to a standstill because the boot drive is used to 100% capacity. This drive is SATA, 7200 RPM, with 8 MB cache. I have recently reset the virus scan preference to "slow" but the computer is still slowed down a significant amount.

3. Even if there is no virus update, the virus scan starts as soon as I start using the computer in the morning. This is because the scheduler, set for scanning at 1:00 AM, does not work until I awake the computer in the morning. My computer is set not to hibernate, just to stand by.

I had none of these problems with Norton. Is there anything that will improve the situation with AVG? If not, does anyone have experience with Kaspersky?

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