At 01:03 PM 06/17/2008 -0400, Matthew Taylor wrote
And if it (the software) still works, defined as doing what you need
it to do, it should be possible to replace the hardware without
replacing all the apps, etc.

The problem is that some of my software won't work on Vista. I've tried it on other machines. My biggest complaint is all the problems that Eudora/Vista present--even the latest version of Eudora. Parts of my web page software work and parts don't. Those are ones I've tried. So how do I replace the hardware and still use software that I've paid good money for over the years?

I don't use IE at all, but am hearing that new releases of that aren't working well on anything BUT Vista. It would just be nice if we didn't have to keep replacing things all the time.

To me, it looks like the game is played: Buy MS OS--whatever the latest version. Use all MS products on it (browsers, email programs, Office). Repeat about every 3 years. My son is pushing me to buy a Mac. Is the situation the same with them? I see no reason to switch to a more expensive system if I have to keep replacing them too.

I just traded in my 10 y/o vehicle for something more economical. But it still used the same gas, I could still get service on it, and mainly it still got me where I wanted to go. Imagine if everyone had to buy a new car every few years because the old one was obselete!


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