The price range is flexible, but I'm willing to spend up to $500 - $600 if necessary. This is a business expense, so I do get a tax credit.

Tom P asked what I don't like about the Coolpix 4500. The major problem is that it focuses, and then refocuses inappropriately, sometimes when I'm taking close-ups of ceramics and porcelain marks. It actually ends up taking fuzzy pictures as a result. So I'm wondering if there's not something easier to use, something that I can "set" the focus on and force the camera to do as I ask, rather than what it wants.

I'll check out the sites referred to in posts &, if I decide to "bite," I'll post how things play out.

Mical Wimoth Carton

What is your price range????

That has a lot to do with it.

Again I can't help but point you to Consumer Reports Web site they
just recently reviewed cameras and I can't remember what they recommended.

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