You are right in the price range for the newer DSLR's which might be what you need to look at. They give you much more control over what you are doing than many point and shoot digitals.


At 09:37 PM 7/12/2008, you wrote:
The price range is flexible, but I'm willing to spend up to $500 -
$600 if necessary. This is a business expense, so I do get a tax credit.

Tom P asked what I don't like about the Coolpix 4500. The major
problem is that it focuses, and then refocuses inappropriately,
sometimes when I'm taking close-ups of ceramics and porcelain marks.
It actually ends up taking fuzzy pictures as a result. So I'm
wondering if there's not something easier to use, something that I
can "set" the focus on and force the camera to do as I ask, rather
than what it wants.

I'll check out the sites referred to in posts &, if I decide to
"bite," I'll post how things play out.

Mical Wimoth Carton

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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