I use my cell as my phone for business and personal uses.

Some of my business is solely conducted over the phone. Any single phone call of mine can easily last 3 mins. I generally use between 600 and 1000 minutes per month and that is less than a lot of my consultant biz friends use. I'm not sure but maybe I am in the middle to upper end of the cell usage spectrum...

You do seem to be an extreme case on the low end when it comes to phone calls. You must do a lot pf comm. as a consultant by email.

I still can't find "Pay as you go" plans on T-Mobile. I pay my monthly bill every month... is that Pay as you Go? or is what you have cheaper?


Tom Piwowar wrote:
(I have been with T-Mobile for several years and pay $45.99/ mo. (not counting taxes) or $551.88/ yr for 1000 mins. / mo which amounts to 12,000 mins. / yr.).

What the heck are you doing that you yack on the phone for 1000 minutes a month? 1000 minutes is almost 17 hours!

I admit that I am probably an extreme case. 1150 minutes per year is slightly over 3 minutes a day. Most of my calls last under a minute. I often use SMS instead of calling. There are many days when I do not use the cell phone at all.

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