No, it is just a small law office, 2 servers, 8 computers, some networking hardware etc.

I think they do have quikbooks. Does that have a template for such?


gerald wrote:
does this company have any size? how many accounts, how many skews, what is a business IT inventory? how many daily orders? how many daily transactions? does it need pos? want credit card processing? what's the password thing?
what I'm really asking is how big is this company?

almost everyone with a small biz runs quicken or quickbooks or something like 
that.  the quicken bogs down with big skew and big customer bases, last i 
heard, but they may have fixed it.

At 02:48 PM 7/17/2008, you wrote:
I'm looking for a computer based software (or template/ plug-in to other 
software) for keeping a business's IT inventory, accounts, password, setup 
information in a secure fashion.

Anyone have any suggestions?


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