Correct me if I'm wrong, but Bugmenot doesn't store your personal
logins now, does it? I use it to log in to the odd site that still
demands logins just to read a blurb, but those have mostly disappeared
in the last couple years.

Maybe it's just that sites now offer enough incentive to log in, or
maybe once I sprang for Roboform it was just easier? I know I have *at
least* 4 Amazon logins - myself, my boss, Amazon Associates, and S3 -
none of which would work correctly by using bugmenot.

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 11:37 PM, Jeff Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Oh, and someone's gotta say it: with so many logins these days, trying
>> to use a spreadsheet and copying/pasting is just ridiculous. If you
>> can't afford to buy Roboform, try some sort of freeware like Keepass.
> Or use the fabulous Bugmenot add-in.

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