Hmmm, I don't recall seeing that commercial.  Are you sure you aren't
confusing it with the Microsoft Corp in your head?

On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 11:17 AM, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >Steve, good point.  I agree that getting someone to switch from one thing
> to
> >another is generally difficult.  That's where Microsoft makes their money.
> >Microsoft Office is a good example - I run into businesses that say they
> >don't like Office that much, but they have to have it for compatibility
> with
> >clients, partners, etc.
> This reminds me of a post from a few weeks ago about adding software to a
> Windows PC. I think it was FireFox. The poster was concerned that adding
> new software would somehow make the computer stop working.
> Microsoft has been very effective at marketing by fear. Their message is
> that deviating from their products will make you an outcast. Your
> computer will break, nobody will be able to read your files, and
> everything sent to you will be gibberish.
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