There are more podcast feeds than I can keep up with. Some of the best
are from NPR, CBC, BBC, and some local stations. iTunes keeps filling up
with more and more good stuff. I especially like APM's Future Tense.
These are short, 5-minute programs that often inform me of tech events
that are important but not covered elsewhere,

I have to "ditto" Tom here. I used to have every TV in the house on all day. Now there is just one on for 'noise' for my parrots. I have very few TV shows I bother to watch. Radio offers nothing unless I can get an occasional program off XM when in the car. But iTunes keeps me so busy with a multitude of informative and educational programs that I have a hard time choosing what to listen to first. I download dozens of podcasts every day and find myself looking for excuses to "work" at something that allows me to also listen to my mp3 player. Podcasting is the future of media. It will just take some time to get the masses educated as to how to access them. I can listen to my favorite NPR show and my Photoshop tutorials and Mike Malloy and Thom Hartmann shows when it's convenient for me and not have to be glued to a tv or radio at their chosen time.

I'm now at the age where I've got to prove that I'm just as good as I never was.....Rex Harrison

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