Also, control+end moves you to that (invisible) last active cell. Then
you would know how many rows and columns to delete.
gerald wrote:
Maybe the wrong answer to the right question, but:
from the last cell down that you wish to save, go to the cell below in the A column
do control+shift>down and cntrl+shft left. then do edit>delete
from the last cell that you wish to save, go to row 1 do the process again. there may be a command that does this, but this should work.
check to see what has been selected for File>print area. make certain it does
not go forever.
At 02:24 PM 7/31/2008, you wrote:
This is a newbie question, but it's driving me nuts.
How do I delete the empty but invisible active cells at the end of an
Excel spreadsheet? How do I even know the cells are there?
Here's why it's a problem:
A co-worker sends me Excel spreadsheets that have to be imported into
FileMaker Pro. I can do that, and if I get lost, I can get help from my
husband, who is a FileMaker wizard.
However, the guy who sends me the Excel spreadsheets is NOT a wizard.
He sends spreadsheets with empty but active cells at the END of the
spreadsheets. When the spreadsheets are imported into FileMaker, this
results in a lot of blank records.
This is a BIG problem, because when you delete a FileMaker record, the
INDEX NUMBER of that record is PERMANENTLY lost from that database. For
example, after deleting records 21-30, the order of the FileMaker
records would go 19, 20, 31, 32, 33, etc.
This wouldn't bother me, but the person I send the records on to next
the numbers 19, 20, 31, 32, 33, etc. confuses her TERRIBLY. Since she's
of managerial rank, I have to do what she wants.
So please-does anyone know what to do with the empty cells at the end of
an Excel document?
The only thing I could think of to do was to copy the cells that I knew
were active and put them into another, new spreadsheet. I'll do this if
I have to, but it adds another task to an already busy and confusing
(BTW, did I mention that I'm looking for a new job?)
--Constance Warner
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