we subscribe to blockbuster.  i have a hundered dollar player that has a chip 
that upgrades the dvd to fill in some of the dots.  dvd failures are less than 
one in a hundred.

At 06:20 PM 8/5/2008, you wrote:
>I have been having lots of bad luck viewing DVD's 
>sometimes straight out of the box (these are either
>poorly manufactured or being resold from somewhere
>like Netflix). I have to assume it the quality of
>the DVD's because I try them on two different drives
>and some dvd's work okay.
>It does make me wonder though if there
>is a marginal improvement in reading movie DVD on
>stand alone dvd players than in my PC drives.
>Is the reverse true? Are they any higher quality
>dvd drives that make be able to read more or the data?
>Or is it more likely that I am just buying/playing
>-Paul Meyer  
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