At 06:49 PM 7/31/2008, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wasn't that settled by Potter Stewart who said, "I can't define it but I know it when I see it!!"

I don't think anyone with an "adult" level of cultural and sociological sophistication (which, if you trust most of the opinions of those who knew him well, did not include Stewart) would consider anything, except an affirmation of Stewart's lack of familiarity with parts of the culture that he, personally, did not inhabit, "settled" by that aphorism.

The aphorism is really Stewart being arrogant, in the most unflattering semantic sense of the word, since it presupposes that there is something absolute about smut, "pornography" (whatever THAT means), and/or "obscenity," as the law defines it, when there has never been any evidence that whether something "is" or "is not" one of those things is anything other than entirely subjective, and Stewart is declaring that he knows what it is. In fact, the legal definition of obscenity, as enacted by most of the States, uses a "test" which asks the jury to find whether or not the material on trial appeals, in the average John Q. Public, to a "prurient" (which is usually defined as "shameful" or "morbid") interest in sex, among other things. The problem is that the average person doesn't HAVE a prurient interest to which ANYTHING can appeal, no matter how many tits or pubic hairs the material describes or shows. The average person has a normal and healthy interest in things sexual and erotic. I am, of course, willing to make allowances for people on this list, however.

My point is that the deck is already stacked. Stewart doesn't know jack shit about erotic material, in any absolute sense. Nobody does, including a criminal petit jury, I submit, because there is nothing absolute about it to know. It's all strictly subjective, and that makes the obscenity laws (which falsely and erroneously presuppose that there is something objectively appraisable about it) irrational and, therefore, perverse themselves.

The bluenoses are merely looking for some way to justify hating you, if you like sexually explicit material, since your enjoyment of this stuff reminds them of how terrified they are of it, and of their own respective sexual natures, and/or the sexual natures of other adults. Reminding them of how terrified they are means they are so pissed off at you that they can't, and no longer want to, think straight. The obscenity laws, and arrogant aphorisms, are merely products of those who are so terrified and/or angry that they can't think straight. I mean, how ridiculous and irrational do you have to be to see it as a priority of some kind to control what all the adults in the whole world can and cannot see privately, on their home computers?

...not many are aware it was a case of a certain piece of film (which was shown in the supreme court chamber) ...Stewart further added, ""and the motion picture involved in this case is not that.""

     Too late! The damage was already done.


2 + 2 = 5, for very large values of 2.


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