This can be from the telephone carrier's side.  (Old-model) telephones
can draw power from the phone line - so it is possible for the surge to
come in over the telephone connection.  It is also possible to get the
surge over the power line.  Does anything else in your house show any
effect from the lightning when the DSL modem does?  If yes, it is
probably the power line.  If no, it could be the telephone line bring
the surge.

I usually just turn my DSL modem off when I'm not using it.

Thank you,
Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----
I have the DSL service through Verizon.  Every time there is lightning
the area, the DSL connection resets.  The modem then takes about a
minute or
so to re-establish the DSL connection and all is happy ... (until the
lightning during the dark and stormy night, that is.)

Has anyone else experienced this with their DSL line?  Any educated
as to if the problem is on my side of the box (NID, I believe it is
or the phone company side?  The Phone Co. side is not all that old since
verizon re-did the copper wiring in the area about 5-6 years ago.  My
has a cat-5 cable running on the outside of the house for a fair bit
feet) before entering the house.

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