Bill L'Hommedieu escribió:
> I live here in Arlington and will be moving into an apartment from a
> single family home. I want to get Fios (TV, internet, phone) service and
> wonder if its available in apartment complexes (all, some or none) or
> only single family homes. I'm doing my best to avoid Comcast. I've tried
> to get an answer from Verizon but no go. Choosing the apartment could
> depend on what hook up is available. Rabbit ears is my plan B. Any
> hunches, theories, experiences? Thanks in advance!

What's the status of the municipal WiFi service for Arlington? That could cover the Internet if it hasn't been put on hold or cancelled. Satellite TV works fine in apartments, and there's plenty of cheap landline service that the phone company doesn't want you to know about unless you ask the right questions. Do you have a cell phone?

IMHO FIOS is a scam. It's the drug pusher marketing strategy for broadband service. Once you install FIOS, it's extremely difficult to switch back to copper lines if you don't like it, so you're stuck with the high prices. FIOS won't get you any better service than VDSL. In fact, with VDSL on copper, people are enjoying cheap broadband at 10-20Mbps for not much more than what I pay for basic DSL at 768K.

VDSL on copper can supply broadband today at 50-100Mbps, just not in the United States. Until American consumers demand faster service and better prices, you'll be stuck with high prices, lower speeds from Comcast, Verizon, Roadrunner, Cox, etc. Verizon should be investing in hardware for VDSL instead of pushing FIOS. It's not necessary for fast broadband.

Good luck. Please let us know the choices for apartment dwellers! Maybe you can find an apartment complex that's already wired for the broadband you like.


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