Verizon should be investing in hardware for VDSL instead of pushing FIOS. It's not necessary for fast broadband.

No, you're right, Betty, but FiOS will eventually allow us to
surpass even VDSL2 and it overcomes the distance and
maintenance objections of twisted copper pair.  VDSL looks
great until you consider that loop attenuation=speed attenuation
and that we have distance to subscriber issues that just aren't
there in smaller footprints.

From the standpoint of maintenance costs I can tell you that in
terms of reliability copper is not the infrastructure of choice.

Fiber spans rarely fail, unless inadvertently cut.  They are the
technology of choice when it comes to reliability and also in
driving maintenance issues to an edge device replacement
model and away from a span maintenance model.

That translates to my being able to offer a higher quality and
more reliable product over greater distances at less cost than
VDSL could ever have the potential to offer.

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