I know we've had this discussion before, but I will repeat it for the sake of those who've not taken part in the past:

My husband and I have UPS / surge suppressors (Uninterrupted Power Supply) on every piece of electronics we value, even on some that don't recommend it like my Phaser printer. Where we live, we get many -- sometimes hundreds a day -- of those "blips" in power. Weird because it's only on some of our circuits. Occasionally our whole house loses power (squirrels killing themselves on the local transformer, happens once or twice a year). The UPS keeps the power humming to whatever devices, even when the power is completely gone. Certainly a direct hit by lightening has the potential to knock out a UPS protected device, but they do protect against both surges and brown-outs. (Indeed, when power is decreased by the utility company, the UPS picks up the slack until either its battery is exhausted or recharged.)

The cost of UPS devices has gone way down in the past 20 years. & their power has gone way up. The cost of computers, printers, modems, etc. has come down too. But the UPS will keep these going except in the most dire of circumstances.

FWIW, UPS devices are not recommended for printers. That said, my printer's UPS keeps it very happy.

Hope this is helpful to at least some users out there.

Mical Wimoth Carton

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