Thanks to all who offered suggestions. There's a concise and completely
accurate description of how to move messages stored in OE6 format to
Windows Mail when OE is not available on (disclaimer -- I have no interests in
this site or its owner). Here's the process:
OE dbx files cannot be individually imported into Windows Mail. Windows
Mail will only import (File | Import | Messages) from dbx files in an
intact message store that contains a non-corrupt version of folders.dbx
(note that the files MUST NOT be read only). In order to import dbx
files into Windows Mail, they must first be incorporated into an Outlook
Express (or possibly Outlook) message store and then imported using File
| Import | Messages. 

To import from the Outlook Express message store into the Windows Mail
message store, do the following: 

        1. Create a directory under the current user's Documents, such
as Documents\OEMail. This directory needs to be within the user's space,
such as under Documents, in order to prevent possible access permissions
        2. Copy all the dbx files from one Outlook Express Identity into
this directory, ensuring that folders.dbx is included.
        3. Go to Edit | Select all in Windows Explorer and select all
the dbx files. Then right click on the selection and choose Properties
and ensure that the read only attribute of the files is unchecked.
        4. In Windows Mail go to File | Import Messages and choose
Outlook Express 6 format and choose to import from a directory. 
        5. Then use the Browse button to browse to the directory of dbx
files. Make sure that when you set the directory that what is listed in
the path is correct (NOTE: Vista can put the wrong path in here
sometimes, so instead of c:\mypath it puts c:\mypath\mypath, so check
the path to verify that it is correct, and if it is not correct then fix
it by clicking the Browse button a second time and then leave the
selection blank and clicking Okay.).
        6. Then select the files from which you wish to import messages
and click Import. 




From: Computer Guys Discussion List
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Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 12:00 AM
Subject: COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 17 Aug 2008 to 18 Aug 2008 (#2008-524)

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