I received an email from Verizon about changes in TOS. One item is:
"4. Modifications to AUP. We have added language to our AUP making
clear (a) that we may monitor our subscribers' compliance with our Terms
of Service and AUP; and (b) that we have the right, but not the
obligation, to pre-screen, refuse, move or remove any content available
on the Service including, but not limited to, content that violates the
law, our Terms of Service or our AUP."
Besides child pornography, which can be very subjective, what are they
looking for? Does this include anything on their user sites, and
Verizon email, and any other email? Will they also block news groups
like other ISPs have done?
Or maybe they're telling us now what they've already been doing all along.
p.s. I haven't received any CGUYs posts since Sunday at midnight. The
archives and cguys.org include posts from yesterday and today. I have
email today from friends and other subscriptions. Is it my email, ISP,
or AOL? Ghosts? thx
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