I only know what I've read, as I don't live in Verizon territory.

"According to a recent announcement, Verizon will stop providing
access to alt.binaries newsgroups on their internal Usenet systems as
of June 24, 2008. Sprint will stop providing access to alt.binaries
newsgroups sometime thereafter. "

- which points out they really started dropping groups in 2004, and
apparently couldn't come up with a good enough excuse to drop all of
them until 2008.

Presumably you have to update your groups list for the dead groups to
be excised.

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 11:28 PM, b_s-wilk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Actually, Verizon was one of the first to cave. They deleted all their
>> binary newsgroups a while back. A real hit for their customers, as it
>> was one of the best free servers around.
> There are a lot of good newsgroups at alt.binaries. Lists I see in my client
> go from 3d.bryce to zines. This is on Verizon. They never deleted any of the
> good newsgroups from their list. Where did Verizon do their customers wrong?
> Not here in eastern Maryland, except for lack of speed, but price is OK.
> Some of the best computer groups are in alt, as are some of the funniest and
> more creative groups.

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