Linux and OSX are daughters of Unix. Unix was not designed with security as a priority... it was designed for speed and efficiency to run on a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP computer that happened to be sitting around without any operating system on it. In graduate school, our instructor gave us copies of the Unix source code and challenged us each night to read it.. and find things like "the place where a new task is born". It is beautiful code, but not riddled with security features. (In defense of Unix/Linux/OSX, it has changed quite a bit since those days).

 - Brian

John Gilroy argued that once Mac or Linux gained a share of the market they would become targets and would have more security concerns. Tom Piwowar countered with the inherent flaws in Microsoft's os which he deemed the straw stirring the drink. Now Linux has gained a foothold in the server world and Mac is increasing at the desktop level. Would be interested to know others' thoughts on these security areas especially as the three operating systems begin to permit more cross platform accessibility.

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