> Yep they should have kicked Comcast in the cojones with a couple of
> hundred million dollar fine.

In essence, this is what the FCC is doing.  This is price controls by proxy.
Comcast is determined to shape the traffic on its network, for whatever the
reason, and the FCC is only too happy to oblige with the ham-fists.  So, if
they (Comcast) can't get the desired outcome one way, they're going to get
it another.

It could also just be a poison pill to spark widespread ire at the FCC, but
I doubt it will work out that way.  Many people have managed to convince
themselves that the transport media that private companies have laid out, at
the cost of billions of dollars of investment, somehow belongs to them.

I lease my service from them.  If I want to own some of Comcast, I'll buy

> The faster FIOS spreads the sooner this dinosaur can go away.

Yes, fortunately there is an alternative for some people.

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