Adobe wont cause this.

Some free utilities can. If they are loading some sort of driver that either emulates or replaces the Optical driver.

Also some universities load their own programs in order for students to get onto the net.

It can also happen if it is failing as it is trying to read the CDrom and has problems communicating with it.


At 06:32 PM 8/27/2008, you wrote:
Thanks for the speedy reply. I've emailed daughter to ask about her installing any new programs.

Is it possible that a program can cause a problem with the optical drive on one computer but not on another?

The last program installed on daughter's computer that Dad paid for is Adobe Photoshop Elements 8, and that was nearly a year ago. It is also on my computer with no problem. If any other program was installed by me, can't remember, it would have been some free utility.
Daughter is studying art & photography.

Thing is, I don't know for sure that the optical drive vanished just after the move to university. I'm guessing daughter might not use the drive often so that it might have failed before the move.

Second question: If the optical drive itself failed (therefore needs replacement), would Device Manager give the "Code 39" error?

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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