On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 11:39 PM, Chris Dunford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Questions to ponder:
> 1. Did MS make changes in Vista just to annoy customers, or were there good
> reasons?

Some parts had good reasons.  Others were simply to have something new, to
justify the people who count the number of new features (instead of actually
evaluating the new features to see if they are worthwhile).

Many find the new UI changes hard to learn and unnecessary.

> 2. If MS is (rightly) criticized for Windows security, and it makes change
> to improve security, and because of that a small number of programs that
> insist on running in an insecure way no longer work, is that a good reason
> to criticize MS, or would the criticism be better leveled at the software
> vendors?

 It depends.  There could have been changes made that don't stop quite as
many programs from working.   Or compatibility modes that trick the old
software into thinking it is doing something unsafe, but it really isn't.

> 3. If a software vendor won't provide updates to work with improved Vista
> security, is that MS's fault, or is it the vendor's? Does the vendor care
> about its customers, or is it just trying to sell new stuff?

Again, it depends.  Largely, it seems that MS felt as you do - who cares how
many old programs are broken, they can fix their software to make it
better.   But not every software vendor has the resources to make the kinds
of changes that MS wants for Vista.

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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