New Hard Drive, reinstall operating system.
  Put the old hard drive in the refrigerator, and when the new HDD is up and 
running, re-install it as a slave to see if you can retrieve the data from it 
(if there is data that you want to retrieve).
  Ellen H.

"Richard P." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  This is a followup from my earlier post (see below). The computer has
crashed again with the exact same error since then and it has been
suggested that either the hard drive or controller might be the
problem. The new diagnostic info is that immediately before failure, a
high pitched whistle or scream was heard coming from the hard drive.
The computer was on over night with AVG doing it's nightly sweep. I
now have the computer in my possession which won't boot up, and I
would like suggestion on the best way to proceed. My thought was to
install a new hard drive and then reinstall the operating system.
Comments and suggestions please.

Thanks in advance,

Richard P.

My relative's Windows PC has come up this morning with a registry
error (Windows XP could not start because the following file is
missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM) and the computer
is recommending repair.

What might cause this to have happened?

Windows XP, SP2
Compaq PC

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