So in a little over seven hours the Large Hadron Collider will be switched
on...any takers on if we'll all survive?  I've set up a google alert to my
cell phone for the big event. The question is if all goes wrong, will I get
the msg before or after?

My brother the astrophysicist and my friend's brother who works
at CERN seem to be calm.

On the other hand my brother shot himself in the nose with a spear
gun when he was 16 (no kidding) and my friend's brother was involved
in that rap video.

Worst case is that they'll create a SMALL black hole, which will then
likely drop directly through the Earth's center of mass...and start
oscillating back and forth, sucking up mass as it goes, getting bigger
all the time.

As has been pointed out this will take a while. You'll likely have
time to order breakfast, at least.

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