At 05:04 PM 9/9/2008, mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So in a little over seven hours the Large Hadron Collider will be switched on...any takers on if we'll all survive? I've set up a google alert to my cell phone for the big event. The question is if all goes wrong, will I get the msg before or after?

     1. You seem to think it will matter, no pun intended.

2. Is this thing a REAL Large Hadron Collider, or a Sears/Kenmore Large Hadron Collider?

3. Pedro, Pablo y Maria are going to put out a new single: "If I Had A Hadron." The Crystals are reworking their 1963 hit to accommodate the lyrics, "I smashed it on a Wednesday and my quarks stood still, hadron, ron, ron, ron, hadron, ron, ron." Eat your heart out, Spill Phector.

4. Is that an entire black hole, or just a partial one? I hear the gentle voices calling, "Whole black hole."

5. CERN is engaging in unfair discrimination. What about all those people who don't have large hadrons? Where can THEY go to have their small or modestly-sized hadrons collided? Huh?

6. Allstate and Nationwide are suggesting that when you buy insurance for both your automobile and your hadrons, your policy should include collision.

7. The philosophy which governs CERN's transactions with neutrons: No charge.


2 + 2 = 5, for very large values of 2.


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