Well, I guess that's when it ceases to be an S.E.P. (Someone Else's Problem)
- Douglas N. Adams (1952-2001)


Date:    Wed, 10 Sep 2008 22:29:24 -0400
From:    "Eric S. Sande" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LHC

>Risk is computed as the product of (probability of occurrence) times (the
>degree of horribleness of the event).

>So "probability of occurrence" is a very small number.

>What value for "degree of horribleness" do you assign to "total
>destruction of the planet?"

Ah, I'm going to punt on that one.

Total destruction of the planet would be very bad.  But we
all ready know that total destruction of the planet is inevitable,
in a physical sense.

The only question is the timeline.

A coworker once made the statement to me that "A cold, hard,
bagel is the worst thing in the universe."

My reply was, "How about if the Earth is destroyed by a giant

I mean "horribleness" is like, relative.

Suppose the LHC discovers the Pelosi Boson.  That's when
we'd really have to start worrying.

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