On Fri, 12 Sep 2008, Kelly J. Morris wrote:
Vicky Staubly wrote:
Well, try this (to be absolutely sure):
* Plug in the external drive, if it isn't already plugged-in
* Open an xterm or Terminal window...
* Run the command "df" to see what disks you have mounted (the
   external drive will probably be something like /media/WD_USB_500
   or /mnt/usb or some such).
* Using the partition name from above, enter a command like:
    ls -la /media/WD_USB_500
* Do you see the files/directories you copied from SuSE?

Vicky -

I ran df and got:

/dev/sdd1 488264736  93000096  478964640  2%  /media/My Book

I ran ls -la /dev/sdd1 and got:

brw---- 1 root disk 8, 49  2008-09-12 18:21 /dev/sdd1

I ran ls -la /media/My Book and got:

"No such file or directory"

The external drive (/dev/sdd1 /media/my Book) is 500.1 GB. Running df seems to say that the total is about 488 GB, including about 9 GB occupied and 479 GB free. If I am reading it right, then there are about 12 GB unaccounted for. Is this right?

Alas, typing a filename (or directory name) is hard on the command
line. What you want is:
        ls -la "/media/My Book"
(The quotes around it mark it as a single filename. You could instead put a backslash in front of the space.)

Also, "df -h" gives you more readable output, for example, a 160GB
external drive shows up as below. You can instead use "df -H" to get
the multiples-of-1000 sizes that drive manufacturers use. For example:

bugz(502)% df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1              18G  6.7G   10G  40% /
/dev/shm              125M     0  125M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1             150G   33G  117G  22% /media/WD_USB_2
bugz(503)% df -H
Filesystem             Size   Used  Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1               19G   7.2G    11G  40% /
/dev/shm               131M      0   131M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1              161G    35G   126G  22% /media/WD_USB_2

Anyway, the question Fred and others were asking about is whether
the 9GB that df says is used... is that accounted for by just the
files you copied from Windows? Just copying (or even using the Windows "Send" menu item) files to a drive shouldn't have erased
any existing files on the drive.

Vicky Staubly       http://www.steeds.com/vicky/        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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