Regarding the dead pixels of my daughter's MacBook Pro, I looked at the dents in the case lid that was cited as reason for not fixing the display under warranty. There are two of them, very small, that appear as nearly straight hairline dents. Using a precision caliper accurate to 0.001 inch, I measured them as follows:

Dent 1:  length 0.14 inches, width 0.054 inches, depth 0.04 inches
Dent 2:  length 0.22 inches, width 0.050 inches, depth 0.02 inches

The depth measurement is an estimate (using my fingernail to insert in the dent, then measuring the depth of the fingernail) since the dents are too small for my caliper to measure the depth.

The location of these two dents are near the Apple logo in the center lid. None of the dead pixels are near the two dents, but are randomly distributed about the display screen.

I'm beginning to think that these dents are being used as an excuse for not honoring the warranty. My daughter says that some of the dead pixels were there before she dropped her headphone onto the closed case.

Advice for both CD problem & display?

Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
It would be cheaper and make more sense if she bought an external harddrive and did it to this, not CD's. CD's would take forever.


At 05:25 PM 9/12/2008, you wrote:
P.S. I misunderstood daughter. The MacBook Pro does not have a DVD burner, only the CD burner that came with it. She was told to backup data to CDs. All other info correct.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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