>>Maybe you should be expecting more from your legislators instead of
>>trying to micromanange an industry so that the results are juuuuust

>Is pursuing a murderer or a thief micromananging? 

In and of itself no.  But should the legislators be pursuing a murderer
or a thief?  But legislators want everyone to know they're "tough" on
crime so they pass "get tough on crime" laws to show they're tough on
crime.  One problem is many of those laws tie judges hands and force
them to enact sentences harsher than deserved.  

When you get into an election year, then it gets really fun.  

>How about those 
>meddlers in the fire department? Should we not let fires rage free?

I recall there was some debate that the best way to prevent those
massive wild fires in remote areas was to let nature run its course and
not put the fires out when they happen.  

>Why should an evil monopolist be allowed to ravage the country just 
>because they are a corporation? 

I thought MS was the only evil monopolist ever talked about here.  I
know you don't like Windows but I hardly see it as ravaging the country.


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