>>> > Ask PEOPLE.

>> Good idea, sometimes hard to do.  Example, went to Va. Beach
>> to walk in the sand.  I get directions to my sisters house,
>> take a left on this road, make a right on Second street to
>> Pacific Avenue, stay on this road, it changes names a half
>> dozen times but eventually it winds up at ...someplace.
>> We get in the car, make a right turn instead of left and
>> see Pacific (oops, that was an hour earlier, I drove out the
>> way I came in) dead ahead.  Oh, there's Pacific, hang a left
>> and start driving.  I'm driving, my wife says shouldn't we
>> take 64?  Why?  We're on Pacific, etc.  Insists, I have her
>> call my sister who says "Yes, take 64, drive for 10 miles,
>> take exit this and that and left and right, etc."  We
>> end up lost.  No fun!!

> Va. Beach isn't such a bad place to get lost. You might end
> up at the acquarium and have a wonderful time. If you had a
> map and a compass you would be able to find your way easily.
> What happens when you have a GPS with old maps? At least in
> Va. Beach you can get new maps at lots of places all over
> town. Don't people ask at gas stations or convenience stores
> any more?

I usually add an hour or two to get lost/explore - before I
got married.

> Ignore "back seat drivers" unless they're also designated
> navigators!

That's easier said than done...

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
COBOL: Completely Obnoxious Because of Length

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