I accidently deleted photos from mac mini (Tiger).  Are these photos
recoverable?  Thanks for any help on this.

I did something like that this week too. I deleted some songs from iTunes, instead of just deleting a playlist, then emptied the trash. I also wanted to save a flash file that was streaming from a friend's web page. Although I usually use OnyX or command-line to make invisible files visible, I used Safari to find them because it's faster.

Open Safari. To get into the invisible trash files, type: file:///trash -- I found 3 items that don't show up when I open the Trash window.

If photos aren't there, then look in the invisible tmp files. Go back to Safari, type file:///private. Look in any folder labeled tmp, like file:///private/var/tmp/ and file:///private/tmp. When you find your photos, look at file:///usr/share/emacs/21.2/etc/COOKIES or file:///usr/share/emacs/21.2/etc/JOKES, and enjoy yourself.

Still not there? Might need recovery software. DID YOU BACK UP YOU PHOTOS???


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