I had forgotten (if I ever knew) that Safari could do that. Alternatively,
in the finder you can use the menu item Go > Go to folder ...
(or type the menu shortcut command-shift-G) and type /private in
the window that appears to go to the private folder.

As for the original iPhoto problem, if it is version 6 or earlier, then
I'm pretty sure that the deleted files are deleted via the Finder and
can only be recovered by a file recovery utility once you've emptied
the trash, if they haven't already been overwritten by disk activity.
If you've installed version 7 of iPhoto that comes with iLife 08, then
there is still hope.  In iPhoto, look in the trash on the sidebar and
see if the photos are still there. As a last resort, in the finder go to
your iPhoto Library package (typically in the Pictures folder in your
home folder), open it by right- or control-clicking on it and
selecting Show Package Contents from the menu, and then
root around in the Originals folder to see if your pictures are
still there.

There was a recent thread about why iPhoto made it so hard
to do things with its photos in the Finder.  This problem is one
of the reasons why.  It is very easy to get rid of files forever
in the finder.  In iPhoto, not as much.

I accidently deleted photos from mac mini (Tiger).  Are these photos
recoverable?  Thanks for any help on this.

I did something like that this week too. I deleted some songs from
iTunes, instead of just deleting a playlist, then emptied the trash. I
also wanted to save a flash file that was streaming from a friend's web
page. Although I usually use OnyX or command-line to make invisible
files visible, I used Safari to find them because it's faster.

Open Safari. To get into the invisible trash files, type: file:/// trash
-- I found 3 items that don't show up when I open the Trash window.

If photos aren't there, then look in the invisible tmp files. Go back to
Safari, type file:///private. Look in any folder labeled tmp, like
file:///private/var/tmp/ and file:///private/tmp. When you find your
photos, look at file:///usr/share/emacs/21.2/etc/COOKIES or
file:///usr/share/emacs/21.2/etc/JOKES, and enjoy yourself.

Still not there? Might need recovery software. DID YOU BACK UP YOU


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