I've run a few tests with picasa to see about how metadata is kept and or
stripped out.  Using picasa 3 beta, I can create tags on images on my vista
ultimate machine and then transfer only the images, not the folder
containing the images to another system using picasa 3 beta and running xp
pro and all tags remain.  It also seems to allow multiple tag search which
of course is a must.  So on the surface it seems picasa will do what I want.


On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 7:08 AM, Richard P. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Today's Washington Post has a small review comparing Picasa and
> Elements latest programs:
> Photo Programs Add Tools but Still Need Sharpening
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/12/AR2008111202651.html?nav=rss_technology
> Richard P.
> > Today I got a brief demo from a client of Adobe Elements and
> > Photoshop.com (about $75 including 1 year "plus" membership in
> > Photoshop.com).
> >
> > He said Elements used to be just a lower-cost and stripped-down version
> > of Photoshop, but now with its picture sorting and tagging capabilities
> > it is a star on its own. He said he is probably going to consolidate his
> > photos from several other systems into Elements and Photoshop.com.
> >
> > Adobe typically offers 30-day demo versions for download.
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