>This is the old school method of file saving, and it's quite
>inefficient, and needs to go. While I'll miss it myself, I know there
>are better ways and I'm determined to learn them.

It may be old school, but it works for me.  Although your example is something 
that I don't do.  Maybe I'm just now *that* organized....  but I would never 
put photos of dear old Uncle George's wedding in multiple locations.  As it is, 
I don't even get along with Uncle George all that well.

If I shot it in 2008, it'd go into a 2008 top level folder and then probably a 
folder called Weddings and then "Dear Old Uncle George".  

That'd be about it.  

>Specifically: In this system, a photo of Uncle George's wedding in
>2008 must be duplicated several times. One copy goes to the folder
>2008, one to the folder "Uncle George", one to the folder "Family
>weddings", etc. etc. You could easily have the 20 copies of the same

Wow... are you, like a professional organizer?  If so, I can see how they 
command so much money...  :-P

>What an incredible waste of space, 

I agree.  Your example is a tremendous waste of space.  My way isn't, however.  

>FAR superior is a filing system where the picture is "tagged". The
>same picture can then exist in 100 different "folders" (actually
>search terms), but only one file needs to be backed up.

Yeah.. if only that program existed.... 

>But you're right, currently only the jpeg format offers tagging, 

And that really sucks when you shoot in a raw mode too.  So much for tagging.  
But then again, I don't get along all that well with Uncle George - ever since 
he got drunk and made a big scene at Aunt Betty's sister's daughter's nice's 
birthday party.  

>some apps will gleefully strip the tags and other metadata without
>warning! This is why I wish MS would get off their butts and just make
>it a part of the file system itself.

I'm not really waiting for MS to resolve the problem.  From what I understand, 
there are other OS' out there too.


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