Sometimes the _correct_ answer isn't a _direct_ answer. Or the answer
you want to hear.

Minus the faxes (which is probably much easier to do with a fax
machine), all these things can be done in any modern AJAX web mail
client like Yahoo, Gmail, or AOL. Actually, I think they can all
_send_ faxes too, but I don't know how, as it's way too much trouble
for me to scan documents to fax them via the computer.

At least two big advantages to this method: These things are available
from multiple machines at multiple locations, and you don't have to
worry about backup or all this painful configurating you're looking
at. Perhaps you can think of a disadvantage?

On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 12:29 PM, Chris Dunford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> First tell her to not use Outlook.
> Nonresponsive. The question was, "how do I?".
>> Outlook offers nothing uniquely useful for a home user.
> That's true, unless you count email, calendar/appointments/reminders,
> contacts, fax, mailing lists, tasks/to-do lists, RSS, and notes.
> My wife's life would grind to a halt without Outlook (I reference her
> because she's a "home user"--my own situation would be even worse).

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