> Of course it is a cache. Any data that the computer assembles and saves
> so it doesn't have to recreate it later is a cache. Cache is defined by
> function, not by content.

By that definition, a Word document is a cache.  The prefetch is a
series of pointer files that *creates* a cache, but in and of itself
is not a cache.  Ed Bott explains it more clearly:

"The Prefetch folder is not a cache - at least not in the sense that
you normally think of when you use that term. This folder contains
trace files and layout files that Windows uses in specific
circumstances. Trace files describe the exact order in which segments
of programs (executable files and dynamic link libraries, including
those that make up Windows itself) load. Windows uses this information
to launch Windows and Windows programs in the most efficient way
possible. Layout files provide a list of files and directories in the
order that they are accessed when you start your computer or run a


That distinction may not be important to you, but to me, understanding
how and why things work is beneficial and helps to not lead you down
the wrong path in search of a solution.

> I'm not going to leave out a very useful solution just because it offends
> your ideology. If that is the problem, clearing prefetch does work and
> does so dramatically. The penalty for clearing prefetch is minor, except
> that it offends the ideologs.

It's only useful if, in fact, it is the problem.  If you want to
improve performance, then you don't want to clear a folder that will
actually degrade performance further, however so slightly.  You don't
remove an appendix until it's actually problem.  Ed explains further:

"Cleaning out the Prefetch folder will not improve performance. I have
proved this with a stopwatch repeatedly on multiple test systems, and
documented the results in Windows XP Inside Out Second Edition."

If I'm guilty of having an ideology on this, it's only one that
believes in giving good advice, not perpetuating a tweaking myth.

But, if you really want to clear the folder, be my guest.  Just don't
expect miracles.

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