>How do you know what other people know, or don't know?  How do you know what
>you know and how do you know it is correct?  Do you think you've somehow
>managed to discover that one thing that everyone else has missed that
>refutes the entire theory of comparative advantage?

In lalaland instead of discussing issues head on we ask bizarre 
metaphysical questions about what the meaning of is is. Yes it is true, I 
have no way to know that you really exist. You could be one big 
nightmarish hallucination.

I don't accept your view because it does not lead to anything useful and 
I don't think your asking the question is anything more that a cheap 
debating tactic, which wastes all our time. It is as simple as that.

We know what we know about consumer behavior through many years of 
behavioral research and continuing observation. From this we have learned 
that sheepherding is easy.

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