>Actually that's you.  The iTunes database file isn't part of the DMCA...at
>least that's the argument put forth.  The difference is you are on the side
>of the guys in suits with the big stick beating us all up.  Big surprise the
>guys with the clubs are Apple and you agree with them.

The argument you cite is the one that EFF says they are going to make to 
the judge. Maybe you think you have a crystal ball that tells you how the 
judge will rule, but until there is a definitive ruling in the real world 
the topic is out of bounds. Most people do not skirt the law, especially 
in areas that are known to be litigation prone. 

Even if the judge rules for the EFF, anything to do with the DMCA is 
still radioactive. Free discussion is not possible when using one set of 
words might be legal and a slightly different set of words might be 
illegal. That's what makes the DMCA so evil.

While the DMCA is in force, freedom of speech is only granted to the suit 
proof: the very rich or the very poor. The rest of us have to keep our 
mouth's shut.

Broadly speaking, even advocating for the repeal of the DMCA is 
circumvention and therefore prohibited speech.

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