Like any other complicated question, the answer is going to be "it
depends".  Good information from Stewart.

Here is my summary:

1.  Security protection mechanisms need to be weighed against risk.

1.a.  If there are sophisticated people nearby who might want to use your
wireless network (maybe you are in an apartment building with lots of
computer users, next to a college dorm, or have other concerns, then you
need more protection.  And it is not just using your network, but seeing the
traffic going by, like bank passwords and accounts.  The latest WPA is
probably required, then.

1.b.  If there isn't much nearby, and you don't worry about people parking
near your house with laptops to capture your data, then WEP is probably good

2.  As others have already noted, you can only have one security mechanism
per household router.

2.a.  If you end up only needing WEP, you should be able to connect your
handheld and your laptop to the same wireless router using WEP.

2.b.  If you need WEP for the handheld and WPA for the laptop, then you will
need two wireless routers, one for each.

3.  My handheld with Windows Mobile (don't like it much, but can live with
it) has a section on setting up an Internet connection.  You may have to
type in the hex characters directly.  I set up the WEP on the router, cut
and paste from the web interface into a document, then put the document on
the SD card for the handheld.  Then cut-and-pasted it from there.  But this
doesn't always work.

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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