One of the hidden issues that I don't see being considered by anybody
re: thumb texting is RSI (Repetitive Stress Injury) tendinitus.
Try to think of other examples where the human thumb has ever been used
liked this historically. If you can't think of one... you can be
pretty sure the thumb wasn't developed for it and will fail with
repetition. Cumulatively with age...
Carpel Tunnel move over...
I watch the 20 something gamers cracking their hands to relieve the
irritation they receive from gaming. Add 20 or 30 years to those hands/
tendons etc. ... will they be having hand replacements?
Tom Piwowar wrote:
>From my brief reading up on the internet and talking to 2 friends, I thought
some differences are: 1) you can hand write on a notebook and 2) notebooks
don't usually have internal drives. Is that not the case? I'll have to
read up on netbook as well.
One of the happiest tech changes I have ever made is moving from a PDA
that used handwriting input (Graffiti) to one that had a small thumb-size
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